AI/ML Powered Customer Support Ticket Analysis Tool

Case study of how I collaborated with the AI/ML engineering team to design the ML powered customer support (CS) ticket analysis tool, to facilitate product specialists' manual ticket analysis processes, and reduce cost for the company.

Target Users:
Product Specialist
Product Manager

Design Problem:  How to increase CS ticket analysis efficiency and boost confidence of findings.

Design Process & Stakeholders

Design Sprint

Define problem, explore solutions, and identify features with project team stakeholders.

User Interview

Based on the ideas generated, I created a ML diagram mapped with the user workflow low-fidelity mockup. My researcher and I interviewed a dozen target users, and we mapped the feedback back to the diagram.


Then I created the low-fidelity wireframes to engage with my engineers to discuss technical details.

Final Deliverable

The following final design solution captures the end-to-end user experience of the new CS ticket deep dive tool.

1.Case catalog

2.Define ticket elastic search conditions - GUI

3.Define ticket elastic search conditions - CLI

4.Elastic search ticket clusters

5.Elastic search ticket cluster

6.Opportunity sizing - closest ticket distance

7.Opportunity sizing - increase ticket relevance distance

8.Opportunity sizing - estimate opportunity size

9.Modify ticket search criteria ad-hoc

10.Flag irrelevant ticket - provide feedback data to machine

11.Use above bar charts as filter selection

12.Report - annotation

13.Report - edit annotation

14.Report - review final ticket list