Simplifing and automating the end-to-end data sharing experience for app advertisers.
3 min read
Data Lineage & Data Flow Design
End-to-end design process of an interactive data lineage and data flow orchestration UI.
3 min read
AI Powered CS Ticket Tool
Case study of how I designed the ML powered customer support (CS) ticket analysis tool.
2 min read
Data Visualization Simplification
Utilized a variety of methods to simplify the drag-and-drop data visualization UI, provided scaffolding to shorten user's learning curve, enabled self-learning and self-service.
5 min read
Streamlining Data Transformation
Streamlined data transformation workflows and UIs based on user research findings, applied simplicity to the UI to help solve user's pain points.
2 min read
Data ETL UX Design
This case study illustrates how I redesign a data analytics ETL (extract transform and load) UI to address user pain points.