AR and Voice UI Chatbot Assistant Design

Deux Ex Machina is a proof-of-concept AR virtual assistant chatbot design, with advanced artificial intelligence, based on the concept of Samantha, a virtual voice UI character from the si-fi motion picture Her directed by Spike Jonze in 2013.

Video Demo

Problem & Solution Statements

How Might We Enrich Virtual Assistant Chatbot User Experience?

Enhance Graphical Voice UI with AR 3D Customizable Avatar to Enrich Virtual Assistance Experience

Ideation Sketching

In order to explore the 3D UI and environment design opportunities, I always started by sketching as many ideas on paper as possible. This design method and practice really helps me visualize and rapidly prototype abstract concepts.

3D Modeling

To be honest, I'm not a 3D artist, so it did take me a lot of time in modeling 3D characters. :)

AR Implementation

I used an AR platform service to upload my 3D models, and matched them with corresponding 2D QR codes.

Final Outcome

Here's the carousel of my proof-of-concept AR and voice UI based virtual assistant.